Saturday, June 25, 2011


- Outgoing personality (Sometimes?)
- Takes risks
- Feeds on attention
- Self control
- Kind hearted (Sometimes?)
- Self confident
- Loud and boisterous
- VERY revengeful.
- Easy to get along with and talk to
- Has an “every thing’s peachy” attitude (O.O?)
- Likes talking and singing (For sure :))
- Loves music
- Daydreamer
- Easily distracted
- Hates not being trusted
- BIG imagination
- Loves to be loved
- Hates studying
- In need of “that someone” (I've already found mine :))
- Longs for freedom
- Rebellious when withheld or restricted
- Lives by “no pain no gain”
- Caring (Sometimes?)
- Always a suspect (HUH?!)
- Playful
- Mysterious
- “Charming” or “beautiful” to everyone (I'm not so sure LOL)
- Stubborn
- Curious
- Independent (sometimes I guess?)
- Strong willed
- A fighter

Wow this is quite true leh!! Very me :) Btw, I know it's been long since I blog! Very busy and lazy :x I might blog soon, or never again? So readers can try your luck every now and then! And it's 2.56AM and I'm still awake!! Listening to Beast's On Rainy Days. Not really a K-Pop fan anymore but still, this song is awesome! :)

Just in case anyone miss me~
THIS IS THE VERY RECENT ME! Face still quite big I know~ And I still love eating like always :/ I'm wearing contact lens if you're wondering~ Got chio-er right!! Kay very bhb but whatever la I like leh. Sound kinda guailan now -.- But I'm still nice like always hehehe.

Till then! :)